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"Change our diet, change our world" is our motto. It is our belief that a vegan diet chosen by an increasing percentage of world population, is essential to our world's long-term well-being. Meat consumption is harmful to people's health, causes global pollution and deforestation, and, needless to say, is the core reason for tremendous suffering inflicted upon defenseless animals everywhere. The US is among those countries which has the highest per capita consumption of meat in the world... Thus, changing the world should start from our own backyard.

We at VegeCyber will do our best to provide a wide selection of delicious, high quality and inexpensive vegan, organic, and vegan food to people all over the US and Canada. It is our wish that one day, the 5/95% vegan vs. non-vegan composition of our country's population will become 95/5%!


Back in 1995, a few committed meditation practitioners were having a hard time finding a variety of high quality vegan food at a reasonable price, so we import high quality vegan food from the Orient. We knew that in the East there already existed a sophisticated vegan tradition followed by a fairy large portion of the population.

VegeCyber on-line food store

By popular demand, we decided to put some of our most popular food products on the web. With the growing popularity of the world wide web, we envision one day that even vegans living in the remote parts of the U.S. and Canada will be able to enjoy first rate international cuisine easily prepared in their own kitchens.



Copyright (C) 2002  All rights reserved

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